Tuesday 15 March 2011


Have you changed?
Am I no longer in your heart now?
When I, I think about you
It hurts, hurts, hurts so much,..

Are we already too late? Is our love over?
Even if it's a lie, please tell me it isn't so
I can do better now, though we can't meet again

I'm the only one in pain tonight

You're no longer your old self
Because the you I loved
And the you now are so different
Are you that shocked?
I just stood and cried
Watching you become further away
No way, I can't recognize
You're not mine anymore


yeah skew nye jp agy nk mkn kfc atw mc donald.....bkn xpna mkn juz hppy dh ame xmkn......school holiday make me crzy... alot of homework make me dizzy!!!hahahaha....

Monday 14 March 2011

v.i.u (very important u)

jd lh gds yg hnye mmndam rse dlm aty...ssnghnye itu lbey bek dr dkcwekn....


nothing lasts forever

cinta itu

cinta yg kita anggp indah tidak lh seindah mne.......cnte yg dkatekn indh apbla kte telah brjmpe ngn lelaki yg telah ditentukanNYA